To invite Dr. Smith to lecture, please email a request below for Dr. Smith’s Lecture Request Form.
Dr. Smith’s Success Rate is over 90% in Helping Her Clients Improve Their Health, No Matter What Their Current Health Challenge!
Dr. Smith’s Clientele resides in 37 U.S. States and seven (7) international countries, so she can help you no matter where you live.
How Does This Work? Read “Overview of Services” on the Consultation webpage.
Since November, 1981, when Dr. Smith first established her business, Advanced Clinical Nutrition, she has provided personalized, professional Clinical Nutrition Laboratory Testing (genetics, blood, urine, hair, saliva, and stool), Therapeutic and Health Maintenance Whole Food Supplements, in addition to Dietary, Lifestyle, and Mind-Body Education and Counseling.
Degrees and Certifications:
- Clinical Nutrition (Ph.D.)
- Doctor of Naturopathy (N.D.)
- Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.)
- Licensed Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist (C.D.N.)
- Canadian Chartered Herbalist (C.H.)
Board of Directors – Founder
Dr. Smith is currently on the Board of Directors for the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN National) serving as Public Relations Committee Chair. She has also served as a Head Start Board Member as a Dietary and Nutritional Advisor; Secretary on the Board of Directors for the IAACN Texas Chapter; Founder and President of the National Health Federation, Wichita Falls Chapter; and President and Co-founder of the Association of Alternative Health Care, Wichita Falls, Tx.
Who’s Who
Dr. Smith’s biography is in several Who’s Who Directories in the Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
Radio and Television Interviews
Dr. Smith is interviewed on a variety of nutrition-related topics by radio and television (NBC and CBS networks) news reporters, which included a 22-month series of Mid-Day Radio Talks with Susie Bradshaw KWFT Radio and interviews by Dennis Courtney, M.D. Radio Talk Show in Greensburg, PA., and, locally, by Joe Tom White Morning Radio Show.
Contributing and Freelance Health Writer and Reporter
Dr. Smith is currently a bi-monthly contributing writer for The Villager,* a 40-year-old, prestigious South Denver, CO, newspaper (since 3/2021) and was previously for the Wichita Falls Parent Newsmagazine (1993-1999). She is also a freelance nutritional health writer for a variety of publications, having written over 100 articles for internet and traditional magazines, such as the American Chiropractic Magazine, the largest chiropractic magazine in the U.S.A., The CRA Pulse, Natural Health World, and The Health Chain.
Dr. Smith has posted a number of free educational articles in both of her websites (AdvancedClinicalNutrition.com and AdvancedClinicalNutrition.net) to assist you in building a foundation of solid, scientific-based knowledge to help you improve your health.
*In fact, all of Dr. Smith’s articles published in The Villager are also posted in “Villager Publications” section on our Education webpage and readers who begin at the first article in March and read forward to the present time, will gain a wealth of knowledge as each new article, builds on the previous article.
National Public Speaker
As a professional speaker, Dr. Smith has provided hundreds of workshops and clinical nutrition in-services for hospitals; medical, nutritional and physical therapy clinics; home health services; nursing homes; athletic clubs; pharmacies; corporations; universities; public schools; churches; community clubs and organizations. Dr. Smith’s range of audiences encompasses, to name a few:
- Optimist Clubs
- Toastmasters
- Business and Professional Women’s Club
- Women Entrepreneurs;
- American Heart Association
- International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN) Scientific Symposium
- Midwestern State University Continuing Education Program
- National groups of scientists and biochemists at the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) in New Orleans, LA
- Worksite Wellness
- Parkinson’s Group
- Stephen F. Austin University
- National Herbology Conference
- And Many, Many Others
Expanding Internet Network
In February 2009, Dr. Smith established her “Ask Dr. Donna” Blog, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Self-Growth.com web pages. Her Boomer Authority web page to guide baby boomers in anti-aging protocols, principles, and education was launched in August 2009.
However, at this time, she focuses more on LinkedIn postings and her newsletter, HealthQuest e-News.
Get To Know Dr. Smith Personally
Family Heritage
Dr. Smith is a maternal descendant of:
- Samuel Adams, the Father of the American Revolution (great + grandfather)
- President John Adams (uncle)
- President John Quincy Adams (cousin)
- John Houston Adams, Electrical Engineer for Channel 3, Wichita Falls (maternal grandfather)
and on the English side of the family, a distant cousin to the late Princess Diana, Prince William, Prince Harry and their families.
Dr. Smith is the proud mother of one son, Matthew G. Smith, who bring much love and joy into her life and works with her in the family business, as our Business and Operations Manager.
Gift of Healing
Dr. Smith is often asked how and when did she first become interested in clinical nutrition (nutritional biochemistry), herbology and naturopathy. It was the summer of 1975, at the age of 24, when she first discovered and witnessed the healing properties of herbs and the value of organic farming when on sabbatical in Spokane, Washington.
One day, her roommate, Theresa, who also attended church with Dr. Smith, loaned her a book on herbs. One of the first herbs that got her attention was Yarrow. She read that collecting Yarrow flower tops, steeping them in boiled water, after removing the water from the stove (you boil the water, not the herb), made an excellent hair rinse for blondes. She also read that Yarrow was an herbal blood thinner and its leaves could instantly stop bleeding.
A few days later, she witnessed one of these benefits in action, when a neighboring child had an accident. Dr. Smith quickly applied the juice from crushed Yarrow leaves to the bleeding wound and then observed that the wound stopped bleeding instantly! From that day on, Dr. Smith has had a never-ending, burning passion to learn all she could about God’s wonderful healing herbs, homeopathics, vitamins, minerals, diet, clinical nutrition, nutritional biochemistry, naturopathy and other natural healing or related sciences.
As she continued to grow in knowledge and clinical experience, Dr. Smith became aware that she had a natural gift for healing.
Divine Healing Ministry
This passion later led to the realization that not only has she become knowledgeable in the above sciences and gifted in the healing arts, she actually has a divine healing ministry, just as all Christians do. That is, all Christians who are obedient to Jesus’ are commissioned to “heal the sick” like He did when He walked the earth.
Hebrews 13:8 tells us Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, so His commission from over 2000 years ago still applies to all Christians today.
When you combine divine healing with decades of clinical nutrition testing and therapies, clinical experience and a natural gift for healing, it becomes obvious why Dr. Smith has such a high success rate in helping people improve their health and the credit for all of this, she gladly gives to the Glory of God.
Since April, 2018, through the power of the Holy Spirit working within and through her, Dr. Smith has participated in and witnessed divine miraculous healings.
For example, Sandy was Dr. Smith’s first miracle healing: ‘I suffered from severe Depression for 10 years until Dr. Smith commanded the spirit of depression to leave my body in Jesus’ name and go to the Lake of Fire and never return, then within minutes all depression left me.’ (Sandy, ~50y, Plano, Tx)
Though you may be aware of some of the Physical Causes of Depression, such as hormone imbalances, neck sublimation, heavy metal toxicity, nutrient deficiencies and neurotoxins in the brain, Sandy did not have a “Physical Cause” for her symptoms of depression, she had a Spiritual Cause.
Once Dr. Smith commanded the spirit of depression to leave in Jesus’ Name, the power of the Holy Spirit working through Dr. Smith removed that spirit and Sandy’s mind and emotions were clear and at peace for the first time in 10 years.
Please feel free to call Dr. Smith at (940) 761-4045 if you would like information about the Spiritual Causes of Symptoms and Disease or whenever you desire “divine healing.” Like her Free Health Maintenance Supplement Telephone Consultations, her Divine Healing Ministry is also provided to all freely.
Divine healing is free to everyone; however, eternal life requires being saved, i.e., acknowledging and accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior. To do this read on…
What Does It Mean To Be Saved?
Each human is made up of three parts: The Body, Soul and Spirit. Just like the Trinity is God the Father, Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit. (The Soul is comprised of the Mind, Will and Emotions.)
Our spirit is immortal. It will live forever. As wonderful as the knowledge of this Truth is the real question is: “Where will you spend eternity?”
In other words, at the time when one ends this mortal life in the process known as death, the spirit of man separates from his body. At that moment the spirit begins its immortal life. But the question is where? There are only two choices: Heaven or Hell!
John 14:6 informs us that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and no man can come to the Father (i.e., come to Heaven) except through Jesus.
To go through Jesus is what the term “being saved” is all about, i.e., accepting Jesus as Lord of your life and acknowledging out loud that He died on the Cross for us and that God the Father raised Him from the dead three days later. Being saved is just the first step to assurance that you will spend eternity in Heaven, please read on…
If You Are Not Saved, You Can Be!
Just do these two little steps!
Besides healing the sick, another commission from Jesus for all Christians, that still applies today, is the saving of souls. So, if you are not yet saved, you can be by just doing these two little steps, (i.e., Step #1 and #2 below).
- Open this link to Romans 10:9 and read it out loud. (To read out loud is to confess with your mouth.)
- Even if you have doubts, even if you are not 100% sure, God can use that and help you because, first, God knows what is in your heart and, secondly, your intent to be saved is what matter more than your being 100% sure of that decision at this time. God can cultivate even a mustard seed of faith so that you can have confidence in your decision.
- Becoming saved is a decision, not a feeling, so when doing Step #1, some people feel something and others don’t, but either way, by doing Step #1 you know by faith that you are saved, so go on to Step #2. If you do not want to do Step #1 alone, call Dr. Smith and she will do this with you.
- Even if you have doubts, even if you are not 100% sure, God can use that and help you because, first, God knows what is in your heart and, secondly, your intent to be saved is what matter more than your being 100% sure of that decision at this time. God can cultivate even a mustard seed of faith so that you can have confidence in your decision.
- Congratulations if you have done Step #1 – we are so happy for you! Now you are ready to call Dr. Smith so she can share with you what is next. Just a few more minutes of your time and you will know what to do next to begin developing a close relationship with Jesus, which is the key to spending eternity in Heaven. On Earth, those closest to us are allowed to live with us in our home. This applies to Heaven, too.
- Meanwhile, until you talk with Dr. Smith begin reading the Bible every day, starting with the Book of James, which was written for instructions for newly saved believers in Christ Jesus.
- A Word to the Wise: Some people may think, “Once Saved, Always Saved.” However, this is not Biblical. Some people think being “Saved” automatically means going to Heaven. Again, not Biblical. It is possible for someone to lose their salvation. To be saved is to follow Step #1, to keep your salvation and to live in Heaven is to develop a close relationship with Jesus. This step is overlooked by many. For more information, please call Dr. Smith.
Stop Guessing for What Supplements You Need!
Guessing Wastes Time, Money and Delays Getting
the Help Your Body Needs to Heal.
Call me today and be scientifically tested for the exact supplements your body requires!
Clinical Nutrition Works!
(940) 761-4045