“Take Time For Your Health Now or Make Time For Your Disease Later!”
Grabbing vitamin bottles off the shelf and then haphazardly taking them is not the way to maintain optimal health. If this is not your approach, then you may be someone who does their best to reference the internet, books and other sources in order to make the most informed decision.
- However, what is seriously missing in both of the above approaches is that nutritional biochemistry is a very complex scientific field and, therefore, to succeed requires testing your own unique biochemistry and the personalized and professional guidance from a qualified clinical nutrition professional. I am not only qualified, I have over 40 years of clinical experience.
- It is not as simple as just take a few vitamin and mineral supplements thinking that your body will know what to do with them.
- First, your body operates from the laws that govern its healthy function, such as laws of biology, nutritional biochemistry, quantum physics, bio-energetics, etc.
- Second, as discussed on the Supplements webpage of this website, over 90% of the supplements sold to and consumed by the public, are “Nutritional Drugs” not food supplements. The human body can only heal or maintain health using “whole foods” and supplements with whole foods and plants, like herbs, or homeopathic remedies.
- First, your body operates from the laws that govern its healthy function, such as laws of biology, nutritional biochemistry, quantum physics, bio-energetics, etc.
Your body requires “whole food” supplements to function, and it knows what to do with whole food supplements when you consume them, if you are taking what you actually need, and no more or less than you need. However, to know what you needs, requires testing your biochemistry. For more information, review my Lab Tests webpage.
Nutritional Drugs, on the other hand, are toxic, harmful and foreign to the body, so they set up a chain reaction of serious biochemical disturbances and in time become another cause and/or contributing factor in producing symptoms and developing health conditions and disease.
So, to improve your health requires biochemical testing and guidance from a Clinical Nutritionist with not only knowledge in these sciences, but also understands how these toxic Nutritional Drugs manipulate your biochemistry, suppress your symptoms and adversely affect your body systems, in order to provide the Clinical Nutrition Therapy you need, otherwise, in due time you will have created even more health challenges for yourself.
However this time, the cause is not your diet, lifestyle OR chemicals and metals from pharmaceutical drugs or environmental pollutants, it is caused by your good intentions of taking supplements and lack of awareness that you are actually taking Nutritional Drugs.
The enlightened today know it is important to supplement the diet. Those who have found my website, like you, are among those whom I consider enlightened. We live in an unprecedented and all time low for vital foods with proper levels of vitamins and minerals to maintain optimal health through diet alone. So, supplementation is required today if you expect to become and stay healthy.
However, the general public, even the enlightened who know we need to supplement, don’t really know what they are doing, nor are they aware that they are actually taking Nutritional Drugs. And for those not testing first, they have no idea what biochemical consequences they are causing or that they are wasting money, time, energy and delaying getting to the real cause of their health challenges. You know this is true by their cupboards full of unfinished supplement bottles. Perhaps, this is also describing you and perhaps, this is why you were led to my webpage. The solution is Clinical Nutrition Testing and Therapy!
- I provide a scientific Nutritional Evaluation and Clinical Nutrition Analysis of the Laboratory Reports from testing your own unique biochemistry (genetics, blood, urine, hair, saliva or stool). From the findings of this analysis, I will design personalized Clinical Nutrition Therapy utilizing “whole food” therapeutic supplements that have been formulated for clinical use to correct abnormal nutritional test results and, thereby, improve your health.
- Then through our Telephone Consultations, I will personally guide you in exactly which therapeutic supplements you need, how much you need, when to take them and when to discontinue them. I also provide dietary and lifestyle education with coaching in practical application, and all of this guidance is based on your own individual needs as identified in your test results.
- Otherwise, without Clinical Nutrition Testing and professional guidance, you are at risk of taking vitamins and minerals when you don’t need them and that can cause you to have symptoms from an excessive amount of those nutrients and/or you are not taking vitamins and minerals you really do need and that can cause you to have symptoms from a deficient amount of those nutrients, or even worse, if the supplements you are taking are Nutritional Drugs. Clinical Nutrition Testing and Therapy with personalized guidance actually saves you time, energy and money, and brings you faster results.
Guessing at what you need even from the well-intention advice of a health store or on-line vitamin sales person is not reliable, nor is choosing your supplements based on your symptoms. To understand why, read: Symptoms Are Not Reliable Sources for Choosing Vitamins Part 1 and Part 2.
- Only a Clinical Nutrition Analysis of your Lab Reports and/or a scientific Nutritional Evaluation through our Self-Therapy Supplement Program (STSP™) will provide reliable scientific data to identify which supplements your body requires!
At your Free Initial Telephone Consultation we will discuss which one, or more, of the biochemical tests (blood, urine, hair, saliva, stool and/or genetics) is required to identify the exact nutrients your body needs to get to the cause of your current symptoms.
Then based on the findings from Step #1 above, I will design Therapeutic Dietary Plans and Therapeutic Whole Food Supplement Programs to provide the nutrients your body requires to heal, i.e., repair cells or grow new healthy cells to replace any that cannot be repaired. This will simultaneously reverse disease processes and restore optimal health.
I will then provide personalized telephone consultations to guide you in how to implement your dietary plans and therapeutic whole food supplement programs, along with providing the Personal Education Program (PEP) you need to develop a “principle-centered” healthy lifestyle – mentally, emotionally, physically and environmentally.
I then monitor your improvement through monthly telephone consultations, until no longer needed. Progress Reporting consultations are required to assess for and then make timely changes in the design of your Clinical Nutrition Therapy to assure continued health improvement, which also assures maximum positive results when tests are updated.
When the Clinical Nutrition findings from your most recent, updated your Laboratory Tests indicates that your test results are now in optimal nutritional ranges, your health has been restored and you no longer require Clinical Nutrition Therapy. And to Congratulate you on staying the course to attain your health goals, I provide the Therapy Closure Consultation at no charge.
At this consultation, we will discuss what you need to maintain the optimal health you have attained through your Clinical Nutrition Therapy so you will be able to sustain your optimal health results and prevent development future health conditions and diseases. This is called Health Maintenance. For example, just like your vehicle requires Auto Maintenance services (oil change) and products (oil and gas) to stay in good working order, the human body requires Health Maintenance services and products.
What is Clinical Nutrition Therapy?
Clinical Nutrition Therapy consists of taking clinically-formulated therapeutic, whole food vitamins and minerals, herbs and homeopathic remedies. From scientific Nutritional Evaluations and my Clinical Nutrition Analysis of the Laboratory Reports from testing your biochemistry (genetics, blood, urine, hair, saliva or stool), I am able to identify which of these therapeutic whole food supplements contain the nutrients your cells need to heal, repair and/or grow new healthy cells to replace damaged cells that cannot be repaired.
Since Clinical Nutrition Therapy does not treat medical conditions, disorders or diseases, you may wonder how this therapy can help those who have chronic pain, disability or other serious medical diagnoses.
Clinical Nutrition Therapy provides the nutrients your body requires to:
- Remove (Detoxify) Toxins from the body, such as Chemical, Metals, Pollutants, Nutrient Excesses, etc.
- Re-Establish Nutrient Sufficiency,
- Balance Biochemistry, and
- Restore Organ, Gland and Body System Function.
Interestingly, when the above occurs, we have observed that any pattern of disease currently present often reverses itself and the body will heal itself of even long-term medical diagnoses.
This is because disease is actually the adverse effect from long-term toxicity, nutrient insufficiencies / excesses, biochemical imbalances and organ / gland dysfunctions. For more information on this, click here to read the Biochemical Dynamics in the Development of Degenerative Disease Chart.
Though I want to hear all about you, I do not need to know the medical conditions, disorders or diseases you have been diagnosed with in order to help you. Why? Because my focus and scope of practice in Clinical Nutrition (nutritional biochemistry) is not disease, it is health. In other words, helping you bring your own body back to a state of health (homeostasis) automatically addresses the causes of your current health conditions and diseases, in addition to, preventing future disease.
By providing the Clinical Nutrition Therapy indicated from the findings of the Clinical Nutrition Analysis of your Laboratory Reports, you are receiving the exact nutrients your body needs to heal itself. To heal itself means “to repair damaged, dead or decaying cells or grow new healthy cells to replace those that cannot be repaired.” This is the key to restoring, maintaining and staying healthy for the rest of your life.
The Health of the Human Body is dependent upon the State of Health of its Cells.
What is a Therapeutic Dietary Plan?
My Therapeutic Dietary Plans are “food-chemistry” based. This means “Food Chemistry” is matched to your “Biochemistry.” In other words, when I analyze your Laboratory Reports for 1) vitamin / mineral deficiencies / excesses and toxicity, 2) biochemical imbalances and 3) organ / gland dysfunctions, I also select the specific foods you need based on their food chemistry that will help nourish and balance your biochemistry.
For example, carrots are a very healthy food; however, due to the high natural sugar content in carrots, they may perpetuate a high blood Glucose level. Therefore, I may ask you if you are willing to temporarily avoid carrots until your blood Glucose level is normal.
So the therapeutic dietary plans I design are scientifically based on your biochemistry, not just simply eat from a list of healthy foods and avoid eating from a list of unhealthy foods. Even healthy foods can cause adverse effects when your biochemistry is out of balance.
Diet and Nutrition are Not the Same!
What is a Personal Education Program (PEP)?
My Personal Education Program (PEP) guides and educates you on the Dietary, Lifestyle, and Mind-Body Principles that govern the healthy function of the human mind and body. This is provided parallel to your Clinical Nutrition Therapy. Why? PEP assists clients in developing a “principle-centered” lifestyle to support their optimal health once attained through Clinical Nutrition Therapy. Thus, each client will be able to maintain their health and promote longevity once therapy is no longer required.
Stop Guessing for What Supplements You Need!
Guessing Wastes Time, Money and Delays Getting
the Help Your Body Needs to Heal.
Call me today and be scientifically tested for the exact supplements your body requires!
Clinical Nutrition Works!
(940) 761-4045